How to remove the d drops company inc (20170102).217.exe

the d drops company inc (20170102).217.exe

The module the d drops company inc (20170102).217.exe has been detected as Possible Threat

the d drops company inc (20170102).217.exe
Product Name:

Rbustness Sqlha

Company Name:

MD5: c85b36964819777386bcf64b402e63a6
Size: 378 KB
First Published: 2017-06-26 19:02:38 (7 years ago)
Latest Published: 2017-06-26 19:02:38 (7 years ago)
Status: Possible Threat (on last analysis)
Analysis Date: 2017-06-26 19:02:38 (7 years ago)
Signed By: Strela
Status: Valid
%appdata%\macromedia\flash player\#sharedobjects\dbuyhd8p\\videodrome\2.36.2\swf\fallback
Windows 7 100.0%
Subsystem: Windows GUI
PE Type: pe
OS Bitness: 32
Image Base: 0x05000000
Entry Address: 0x00012e5b

PE Sections:

Name Size of data MD5
.text 115200 1cacb68ee33b8ff3e93f38f6d405882a
.rdata 50176 9b51000b84ca96b4a422d943d821afb0
.data 5632 bc11f5f2c7c24325129fdd374e80bfd2
.text 5632 e227481f2ced130c0095b3cd9bb40482
.data1 512 90d53ec77841a36426cf22e437278ad1
.trace 8192 bb57695c39128aef52fe85098d36e505
.rsrc 192000 f2fbeebb595ec6dea7dc9428dfb89e6e

More information:

Download GridinSoft Anti-Malware - Removal tool for the d drops company inc (20170102).217.exe