Information about rcraid.sys


Product Name:

AMD-RAID Storport driver

Company Name:

AMD, Inc.

MD5: 8f8ad40fb8215ea186ad727d56f015e5
Size: 538 KB
First Published: 2017-12-14 20:09:48 (7 years ago)
Latest Published: 2018-10-18 10:05:13 (6 years ago)
Status: Undefined (on last analysis)
Analysis Date: 2018-10-18 10:05:13 (6 years ago)
Signed By: Dot Hill Systems Corp
Status: Invalid (digital signature could be stolen or file could be patched)
%appdata%\device doctor\drivers\na23eff99912f\chipset\packages\drivers\sbdrv\bolton\raid_driver
Windows 8.1 62.5%
Windows 7 37.5%
Subsystem: Native
PE Type: pe
OS Bitness: 64
Image Base: 0x0000000000010000
Entry Address: 0x001fb008

PE Sections:

Name Size of data MD5
.text 505344 f785f6b8c0d4a5f05341bd3d85bcc95b
.rdata 9216 6ab1a054f53c62746bacb6687f8618c0
.data 2048 d9b190e6f4d835fe2f3e3569c5779d01
.pdata 13824 36b73dfc4423e073a311dd07c1584c39
INIT 1536 9edc23cd2374f85d8ee7cafc075cc0eb
.rsrc 1024 f0860aa8f5fff806d837c3d487fef228
.reloc 512 33af5109abebc42a6e78b313667e73d9

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