Information about qtquick3dmaterialplugin.dll


Product Name:


Company Name:

The Qt Company Ltd.

MD5: f062465915378366d05a67d04acf8ae6
Size: 88 KB
First Published: 2023-09-12 23:28:32 (a year ago)
Latest Published: 2023-09-12 23:28:32 (a year ago)
Status: Undefined (on last analysis)
Analysis Date: 2023-09-12 23:28:32 (a year ago)
Signed By: Adoreshare Co.,Limited
Status: Valid
%programfiles%\hitpaw video editor\qtquick3d
Windows 10 100.0%
Subsystem: Windows GUI
PE Type: pe
OS Bitness: 64
Image Base: 0x0000000180000000
Entry Address: 0x0000216c

PE Sections:

Name Size of data MD5
.text 6656 1b096e611b4578f22455e21411be1afc
.rdata 60416 a6c37901e17de625f57ef3a9c2128cbd
.data 1024 2ab1e9b11c0a8679224801fdebf1f23b
.pdata 1024 0a9c5f54ae390340b67a90e8b3de33aa
.qtmetad 512 6c7cc90a171991514998f0ac6983a3e7
.rsrc 1024 453fbfe78d07d12d2874ea800d1dd727
.reloc 512 756428ba8701292de08cf757c5fd1f04

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