Information about iumsvc.exe


Product Name:


Company Name:

Intel Corporation

MD5: 622bf9c46a47cf17608c501320e8efbd
Size: 173 KB
First Published: 2017-11-07 15:10:54 (7 years ago)
Latest Published: 2017-11-14 15:02:57 (7 years ago)
Status: Undefined (on last analysis)
Analysis Date: 2017-11-14 15:02:57 (7 years ago)
Signed By: Intel(R) Update Manager
Status: Invalid (digital signature could be stolen or file could be patched)
%programfiles%\intel\intel(r) update manager\bin
Windows 8.1 100.0%
Subsystem: Windows GUI
PE Type: pe
OS Bitness: 32
Image Base: 0x00400000
Entry Address: 0x00001518

PE Sections:

Name Size of data MD5
.text 3072 3053cea21c880215edf95ee88e890f57
.rdata 2560 6892d257469d2ade5b091e522b2248dc
.data 512 9226f9258874e7ef3f5e3232d534af1a
.rsrc 161280 fd1d450e929a72be2080ed0834a58270

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