How to remove dh292.exe
The module dh292.exe has been detected as PUP.OpenCandy
File Details
Product Name: | Installation helper |
Company Name: | OpenCandy |
MD5: | 89e4e2df0b827fdae50fe06e160053d6 |
Size: | 193 KB |
First Published: | 2020-11-29 17:28:15 (4 years ago) |
Latest Published: | 2020-12-05 14:23:48 (4 years ago) |
Status: | PUP.OpenCandy (on last analysis) | |
Analysis Date: | 2020-12-05 14:23:48 (4 years ago) |
Signed By: | OpenCandy Inc. |
Status: | Valid |
Common Places:
%appdata%\rheng |
%appdata%\rheng |
100.0% |
OS Version:
Windows 7 | 100.0% |
Subsystem: | Windows GUI |
PE Type: | pe |
OS Bitness: | 32 |
Image Base: | 0x00400000 |
Entry Address: | 0x000728b0 |
PE Sections:
Name | Size of data | MD5 |
UPX0 | 0 | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
UPX1 | 150528 | b7632f29265dd2c3d9eb1ecc8fff207e |
.rsrc | 40448 | b8d0738bf2dacf9654642d1204865994 |
More information:
Download GridinSoft
Anti-Malware - Removal tool for dh292.exe