How to remove acrotray.exe


The module acrotray.exe has been detected as Virus.Ramnit

Product Name:

AcroTray - Adobe Acrobat Distiller helper application.

Company Name:

Adobe Systems Inc.

MD5: 44972f6a31e2cdfeede04072ec26281b
Size: 532 KB
First Published: 2018-10-29 05:04:23 (6 years ago)
Latest Published: 2018-10-29 05:04:23 (6 years ago)
Status: Virus.Ramnit (on last analysis)
Analysis Date: 2018-10-29 05:04:23 (6 years ago)
%programfiles%\adobe\acrobat 7.0
Windows 7 100.0%
Subsystem: Windows GUI
PE Type: pe
OS Bitness: 32
Image Base: 0x00400000
Entry Address: 0x0007a000

PE Sections:

Name Size of data MD5
.text 356352 c2978fe17c32e4a7231d2f1a04a5ca35
.rdata 61440 bf27cc3eeae4c6b71630d092eda626a5
.data 16384 a803a43a41954b0127f6adca4fbc271b
.idata 16384 1866bd6e1bb92e1fdd3c31d3b8f87a06
.didat 4096 98716ab54764dc9cba9ad5e5f9599398
.rsrc 24576 d631ace483dd6a74b2a0154bff96989a
.rmnet 61440 2c3ec2ba81286a57df0bba0acfad1aa9

More information:

Download GridinSoft Anti-Malware - Removal tool for acrotray.exe