Information about WinZipMalwareProtector.exe


Product Name:

WinZip Malware Protector

Company Name:

Nico Mak Computing

MD5: ce4e8d4cd18a9183f97380c18ebd9bdd
Size: 6 MB
First Published: 2018-07-10 11:12:33 (6 years ago)
Latest Published: 2018-07-10 11:12:33 (6 years ago)
Status: Undefined (on last analysis)
Analysis Date: 2018-07-10 11:12:33 (6 years ago)
Signed By: WinZip Computing LLC
Status: Invalid (digital signature could be stolen or file could be patched)
Windows 10 100.0%
Subsystem: Windows GUI
PE Type: pe
OS Bitness: 32
Image Base: 0x00400000
Entry Address: 0x00632c9e

.NET Info:

MVID: d88d0714-bd9b-43f6-8916-72c5609751d6
Typelib ID: 9c312f5f-ce8b-4aff-a701-3bb82f002494

PE Sections:

Name Size of data MD5
.text 6491648 4e363cd9952ad6dcfc70ad142b14de9c
.rsrc 35328 a93666282639e7c9819f114aeea5481e
.reloc 512 36a100796d48ea84bd40f2ba4202c581

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