How to remove WO9.exe
The module WO9.exe has been detected as PUP.WinOptimizer

File Details
Product Name: | Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 |
Company Name: | Ashampoo Development GmbH & Co. KG |
MD5: | 1784a6e559aab26b17e49a42839dc84a |
Size: | 7 MB |
First Published: | 2022-02-03 21:02:05 (3 years ago) |
Latest Published: | 2022-02-03 21:03:17 (3 years ago) |
Status: | PUP.WinOptimizer (on last analysis) | |
Analysis Date: | 2022-02-03 21:03:17 (3 years ago) |
Signed By: | Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG |
Status: | Valid |
Common Places:
%programfiles%\ashampoo |
%programfiles%\ashampoo |
100.0% |
OS Version:
Windows 10 | 100.0% |
Subsystem: | Windows GUI |
PE Type: | pe |
OS Bitness: | 32 |
Image Base: | 0x00400000 |
Entry Address: | 0x004da0d4 |
PE Sections:
Name | Size of data | MD5 |
.text | 5073920 | ee9e91cb9ffa18a7b1beb054e19c080e |
.itext | 16896 | 7e6fee374d83b84885e37998a0941504 |
.data | 58368 | 12d6890ffa392542dbf1665c07bc9fec |
.bss | 0 | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
.idata | 27648 | d01624afa9747843a8cda828e367e9ac |
.didata | 1024 | 331af53ccfe479113bafc494453f9ea6 |
.tls | 0 | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
.rdata | 512 | c5941f144f6cd352c128dbce0b47087f |
.rsrc | 2599936 | f9498aa246fa0ecb38a6ae2fc72e3128 |
More information:
Download GridinSoft
Anti-Malware - Removal tool for WO9.exe