How to remove Smutty Scrolls.exe

Smutty Scrolls.exe

The module Smutty Scrolls.exe has been detected as Trojan.Heur!

Smutty Scrolls.exe
Product Name:

Smutty Scrolls

Company Name:


MD5: 04b7e04da0b6e4b1405c5356ddf2a83c
Size: 139 MB
First Published: 2024-05-13 23:01:47 (7 months ago)
Latest Published: 2024-05-13 23:01:47 (7 months ago)
Status: Trojan.Heur! (on last analysis)
Analysis Date: 2024-05-13 23:01:47 (7 months ago)
%sysdrive%\dragon warrior monsters (u) [c][!]\games\smuttyscrolls
Windows 10 100.0%
Subsystem: Windows GUI
PE Type: pe
OS Bitness: 64
Image Base: 0x0000000140000000
Entry Address: 0x03ba2330

PE Sections:

Name Size of data MD5
.text 119330304 e0b11f845aa1add19e6af2c8ecad0465
.rdata 21858816 a9151d0571cf6788c9f1eb447aa64f27
.data 520704 a50cb1b11c5d5bb1a079d4554bc16f48
.pdata 3830272 c145dc85a445c0c023fa9f7660cc3028
.00cfg 512 ba6db95e0dad5c57afa06baf4f691925
.retplne 512 7a1b7754bbb5658c6826035106303d20
.rodata 4608 ab87d2e8f7e7a40ee320b1ce20d19e20
.tls 1024 e54b3a6ef03b79d65232703b172114dc
CPADinfo 512 60d3ea61d541c9be2e845d2787fb9574
_RDATA 512 484728184ba5dcc5b8bd4119ea81452c
malloc_h 512 c9151c6e6f9039f73fd3042561e7dbc9
.rsrc 141312 6f1f17a7c760651e89c0c9750ba2aa07
.reloc 952832 3fb0f39dd8102050471130fa407bfea6

More information:

Download GridinSoft Anti-Malware - Removal tool for Smutty Scrolls.exe