How to remove SWUpdaterCrashHandler64.exe


The module SWUpdaterCrashHandler64.exe has been detected as PUP.WaveBrowser

Product Name:

Wavesor SWUpdater

Company Name:

Wavesor Software

MD5: 4c70cb398d16349c06010c0669fba149
Size: 348 KB
First Published: 2021-12-17 21:16:56 (3 years ago)
Latest Published: 2021-12-18 21:49:30 (3 years ago)
Status: PUP.WaveBrowser (on last analysis)
Analysis Date: 2021-12-18 21:49:30 (3 years ago)
Signed By: Wavesor Software
Status: Valid
%profile%\wavesor software\swupdater
%profile%\wavesor software\swupdater
Windows 10 100.0%
Subsystem: Windows GUI
PE Type: pe
OS Bitness: 64
Image Base: 0x0000000140000000
Entry Address: 0x0001ddcc

PE Sections:

Name Size of data MD5
.text 218112 ef990e111797344690d65ff59a28946a
.rdata 97280 c56566eb80c0957b1b35eb0181ea8135
.data 4096 81f2775b017df703e2dd3b014234e82d
.pdata 11264 604d8557a9950f2fd388bbd63cc77a9b
_RDATA 512 9d3fef556642b7f0f8e917a25fef0863
.rsrc 13312 29650f3a1e2d054ec7f88987565d0c64
.reloc 4096 65e940ea3fedab1c43fdb1289a98f9ae

More information:

Download GridinSoft Anti-Malware - Removal tool for SWUpdaterCrashHandler64.exe