Information about RevoUninPro.exe


Product Name:

Revo Uninstaller Pro

Company Name:

VS Revo Group

MD5: b7984f9f8b5dd6e5797e9a7236897b19
Size: 16 MB
First Published: 2017-08-12 03:08:07 (7 years ago)
Latest Published: 2018-01-23 10:13:20 (7 years ago)
Status: Undefined (on last analysis)
Analysis Date: 2018-01-23 10:13:20 (7 years ago)
Signed By: VS Revo Group
Status: Invalid (digital signature could be stolen or file could be patched)
%programfiles%\vs revo group\revo uninstaller pro
Windows 8.1 100.0%
Subsystem: Windows GUI
PE Type: pe
OS Bitness: 64
Image Base: 0x0000000140000000
Entry Address: 0x00097db8

PE Sections:

Name Size of data MD5
.text 6737408 e93635a8e1cdfd462f7034b8c6115be4
.rdata 2088448 ca0d17f812bffa5e5cbdc97e4299ff85
.data 139264 a30306d03cd90e9676dc1b36667773cc
.pdata 354304 ababc4c76beedb7b60fabe7348f9602c
text 3072 44088a3f04e8e38898247aeceb100347
data 2048 08eb5373e50c14af06e0d9ef791fdcfc
.rsrc 7672832 a90db426021a8d10283ec0bd154da0c7

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