How to remove O16Setup.exe


The module O16Setup.exe has been detected as Hack.KMS

MD5: 32376369b497d7fc89943b96bfebe3f2
Size: 2 MB
First Published: 2017-08-22 13:14:09 (7 years ago)
Latest Published: 2020-06-13 20:38:18 (4 years ago)
Status: Hack.KMS (on last analysis)
Analysis Date: 2020-06-13 20:38:18 (4 years ago)
Signed By: Ratiborus MSFree Inc.
Status: Valid
%desktop%\office 2016ativador.rar\office 2016ativador
%sysdrive%\kituri\microsoft office 2016 16.0.4266.1003 rtm x86 x64 en ru onoffline install v3.8 - ratiborus
%sysdrive%\programas windows e sistema\office - linux-windows xp e 7 e 8 (64)
%sysdrive%\filelist\microsoft office 2016 16.0.4266.1003 rtm x86 x64 en ru onoffline install v3.8 - ratiborus
%sysdrive%\filelist\microsoft office 2016 16.0.4266.1003 rtm x86 x64 en ru onoffline install v3.8 - ratiborus
%sysdrive%\microsoft office\microsoft office 2016
%sysdrive%\softuri\microsoft office 2016 16.0.4266.1003 rtm x86 x64 en ru onoffline install v3.8 - ratiborus
Romania 55.6%
Israel 11.1%
Switzerland 11.1%
Brazil 11.1%
United States 11.1%
Windows 10 77.8%
Windows 7 22.2%
Subsystem: Windows GUI
PE Type: pe
OS Bitness: 32
Image Base: 0x00400000
Entry Address: 0x00001000

PE Sections:

Name Size of data MD5
.code 50176 9659e575004bb6c50fb3589ac4ea2536
.text 298496 c256561492f724dd6b93b64b221c1f28
.rdata 35328 dc65d54c06b6b2cb7090e279dc50f1c8
.data 1952768 4fdd6567fc3fedcb762d36f218b944e2
.rsrc 69120 484a5538e54523e678e44bc1396853a7

More information:

Download GridinSoft Anti-Malware - Removal tool for O16Setup.exe