How to remove KMSAuto.exe


The module KMSAuto.exe has been detected as Crack.KMS

MD5: aab396fd9cdfc99d14d84897e308ef82
Size: 5 MB
First Published: 2023-09-14 23:12:04 (10 months ago)
Latest Published: 2024-05-15 23:01:03 (2 months ago)
Status: Crack.KMS (on last analysis)
Analysis Date: 2024-05-15 23:01:03 (2 months ago)
Signed By: WZTeam
Status: Valid
%desktop%\kms tools portable 01.03.2023\programs
%mydoc%\cura office\kms tools portable 01.03.2023\programs
%profile%\all\kms tools portable\programs
Windows 10 100.0%
Subsystem: Windows GUI
PE Type: pe
OS Bitness: 32
Image Base: 0x00400000
Entry Address: 0x0066f210

PE Sections:

Name Size of data MD5
UPX0 0 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
UPX1 5280768 4afce594c14e74c487dd6f2ad72c3a27
.rsrc 46592 ca1eb2d301d70f0a876fb298cf0453da

More information:

Download GridinSoft Anti-Malware - Removal tool for KMSAuto.exe