How to remove Find Current Installed Key.exe
- File Details
- Overview
- Analysis
Find Current Installed Key.exe
The module Find Current Installed Key.exe has been detected as PUP.Gen
File Details
Product Name: |
Company Name: |
MD5: |
fb2fe2279a27e5923639449e2efb89f9 |
Size: |
792 KB |
First Published: |
2020-08-07 21:27:27 (4 years ago) |
Latest Published: |
2020-11-14 23:29:49 (4 years ago) |
Status: |
PUP.Gen (on last analysis) |
Analysis Date: |
2020-11-14 23:29:49 (4 years ago) |
%sysdrive%\collection 1\windows 8.1 plus activation method |
%sysdrive%\برامج\windows\w8.1 aio x86 aug13\windows 8.1 9600 activation |
%sysdrive%\برامج\windows\w8.1 aio x86 aug13\windows 8.1 9600 activation |
Windows 8.1 |
66.7% |
Windows 10 |
33.3% |
Subsystem: |
Windows GUI |
PE Type: |
pe |
OS Bitness: |
32 |
Image Base: |
0x00400000 |
Entry Address: |
0x00094138 |
Name |
Size of data |
MD5 |
603136 |
63a18aa9d65b4a3e6a9a2d192a8df525 |
8704 |
6fb1510e26c32d205c989f86515bd792 |
0 |
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
.idata |
10240 |
7d55b0dd734f2ac94038c7585148dea2 |
.tls |
0 |
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
.rdata |
512 |
17cdf9ef11fde5aaf52d4f204fbada60 |
.reloc |
40960 |
c57947ba9bebd7aa262c9167ba0fdf48 |
.rsrc |
140800 |
d349ee695b8d31a12cbaee8ad35a8f50 |