How to remove DPInstLaunch.exe
- File Details
- Overview
- Analysis
The module DPInstLaunch.exe has been detected as General Threat
File Details
Product Name: |
Company Name: |
MD5: |
3d64eb479c72fe487a4dc541da823b15 |
Size: |
52 KB |
First Published: |
2020-09-19 16:46:40 (4 years ago) |
Latest Published: |
2020-12-26 03:02:09 (4 years ago) |
Status: |
General Threat (on last analysis) |
Analysis Date: |
2020-12-26 03:02:09 (4 years ago) |
%sysdrive%\برامج\تعريف كرت الصوت |
%sysdrive%\programi\drajveri za hp 8530p\drajveri za hp 32 bit win 10\upravljacki programi kontrole cvrstog diska |
Windows 7 |
50.0% |
Windows 10 |
50.0% |
Subsystem: |
Windows GUI |
PE Type: |
pe |
OS Bitness: |
32 |
Image Base: |
0x00400000 |
Entry Address: |
0x00035440 |
Name |
Size of data |
MD5 |
UPX0 |
0 |
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
UPX1 |
17920 |
53dc4be8ce8a93045446cb9c455effad |
.rsrc |
25600 |
cccd1107072ee33607eac99623865d13 |