How to remove BitTorrent.exe
- File Details
- Overview
- Analysis
The module BitTorrent.exe has been detected as PUP.OfferCore
File Details
Product Name: |
Company Name: |
MD5: |
4925a7ceaef711d123507a8bb3feca14 |
Size: |
2 MB |
First Published: |
2023-02-11 23:23:57 (2 years ago) |
Latest Published: |
2023-06-28 23:08:54 (2 years ago) |
Status: |
PUP.OfferCore (on last analysis) |
Analysis Date: |
2023-06-28 23:08:54 (2 years ago) |
%appdata% |
%appdata% |
%appdata%\bittorrent |
%appdata% |
%appdata%\bittorrent |
%appdata%\bittorrent |
%appdata% |
%appdata%\bittorrent |
%sysdrive%\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-21-839910416-2231693111-4241145864-1000 |
%appdata% |
36.4% |
18.2% |
18.2% |
9.1% |
9.1% |
9.1% |
Windows 10 |
54.5% |
Windows 7 |
45.5% |
Subsystem: |
Windows GUI |
PE Type: |
pe |
OS Bitness: |
32 |
Image Base: |
0x00400000 |
Entry Address: |
0x008d8730 |
Name |
Size of data |
MD5 |
UPX0 |
0 |
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
UPX1 |
2544640 |
ecaead483410f2fc02f41b153a9dff8e |
.rsrc |
123392 |
fc34f9d88cf295308923fbc2e1790ef4 |