Information about BCUService.exe


Product Name:

Browser Configuration Utility

Company Name:

DeviceVM, Inc.

MD5: feb9e5fe12c94c50b7c20bac7bceab42
Size: 218 KB
First Published: 2018-04-04 14:12:44 (6 years ago)
Latest Published: 2018-04-04 14:12:44 (6 years ago)
Status: Undefined (on last analysis)
Analysis Date: 2018-04-04 14:12:44 (6 years ago)
Signed By: DeviceVM Inc.
Status: Invalid (digital signature could be stolen or file could be patched)
Ukraine 100.0%
Windows 7 100.0%
Subsystem: Windows CUI
PE Type: pe
OS Bitness: 32
Image Base: 0x00400000
Entry Address: 0x00011937

PE Sections:

Name Size of data MD5
.text 172032 0b8b2b5ce9eb9728759771e5c7d38346
.rdata 28672 b73c577c8a5c322e6a5991caf2429919
.data 8192 359661960008404a9942421f41a7d866
.rsrc 4096 9a2aff371bcc93f42331ed56ce55c2ad

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