How to remove AppGraffiti.exe


The module AppGraffiti.exe has been detected as Adware.Downloader

Product Name:


Company Name:

Omega Partners Ltd

MD5: 8cdd98a7607f2194a11b95b21fd2167e
Size: 822 KB
First Published: 2018-03-01 12:06:02 (7 years ago)
Latest Published: 2018-03-01 12:06:02 (7 years ago)
Status: Adware.Downloader (on last analysis)
Analysis Date: 2018-03-01 12:06:02 (7 years ago)
Signed By: Omega Partners LTD
Status: Invalid (digital signature could be stolen or file could be patched)
%localappdata%\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5\uzv34wy2
Windows 7 100.0%
Subsystem: Windows GUI
PE Type: pe
OS Bitness: 32
Image Base: 0x00400000
Entry Address: 0x0002f420

PE Sections:

Name Size of data MD5
.text 187904 a8f64a516eadd8f3ea9611c5d5a11c10
.itext 1536 d13943f7b066a4d86da9e047a509d3ad
.data 7680 bbe2e1ba6d2ef1e494240177171752a5
.bss 0 00000000000000000000000000000000
.idata 5120 f5d639bdd8b005bc10d3db94d0fd9200
.tls 0 00000000000000000000000000000000
.rdata 512 1efee5afd9bdb8a6050aaba2538affd3
.reloc 13312 160f62eb2eb5965c51d7a71c00e90039
.rsrc 617472 22ee768fddc182dacbbf2e3f705b4493

More information:

Download GridinSoft Anti-Malware - Removal tool for AppGraffiti.exe