How to remove 5974.exe
The module 5974.exe has been detected as General Threat

File Details
Product Name: | FileZilla Server |
Company Name: | FileZilla Project |
MD5: | ec6c4d3a5becd69575664fc7268ff05d |
Size: | 3 MB |
First Published: | 2021-09-14 20:39:43 (3 years ago) |
Latest Published: | 2021-09-14 20:39:43 (3 years ago) |
Status: | General Threat (on last analysis) | |
Analysis Date: | 2021-09-14 20:39:43 (3 years ago) |
Common Places:
%temp% |
100.0% |
OS Version:
Windows 10 | 100.0% |
Subsystem: | Windows GUI |
PE Type: | pe |
OS Bitness: | 32 |
Image Base: | 0x00400000 |
Entry Address: | 0x004fb970 |
PE Sections:
Name | Size of data | MD5 |
95232 | 94c12565d055ea703cf7b4eaad80debd | |
2048 | 28f6f2298c90f0d6ff7365786f69dbf3 | |
.rsrc | 987648 | e851e0250a1dffb33780f41009f41bf2 |
512 | a3dabff82b4b60745368ffd2b13ae18d | |
.vm_sec | 114688 | 308e759e6bdc98450908c25a76996d1e |
.idata | 512 | 2c9d9dd5eb9469a41981b0fa04b852d6 |
.themida | 0 | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
.boot | 2042880 | a4b3c59bba54da3b34ddcc4ea64920a5 |
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Download GridinSoft
Anti-Malware - Removal tool for 5974.exe